How to use material id with marmoset toolbag 3
How to use material id with marmoset toolbag 3

Export the layers using the same settings when exporting to Zbrush, except remember to additionally select.Notice that the ZBrush always has the first letter in caps, so in modo this should also be the case.Make sure your naming matches with the low poly and high poly.Merge all the meshes together and export as one obj.If you have multiple meshes with different UVs, add each of them their own material in Modo.For example if you have just one model or several models that are separate and not touching each other.You can use OBJ in case you don't need any of the parts baked separately.Remember to tick Save Materials when exporting.In case you have multiple UV-sets, you need to add a separate material for each of them, so you'll get a separate texture set for each.

how to use material id with marmoset toolbag 3

Substance Painter's export config will name the files based on the texture set name.This isn't absolutely necessary, but it will speed things up a bit later on.

how to use material id with marmoset toolbag 3

  • The material name should be the same as what your texture filename will be ( e.g.
  • Delete all the other materials from the shaders tab, if there are any.
  • with the mesh selected, press 'M' and type in a name in the drop down box.
  • In Modo, before exporting the mesh into Substance Painter, apply a named material to it.
  • At this point you should have ready a high poly mesh, and a low poly mesh with UVs.
  • Each separate map in Targa (TGA) format is saved to the base SVN and used in the game.
  • A PSD file with all the maps combined as layers is created and saved as the work file.
  • Once the textures are ready they are exported from Substance Painter into 2D image files.
  • Texturing is done by using many materials, masks and generators etc.
  • Using the baked maps like the normal map and the ambient occlusion maps for example the texturing can be started.
  • This way you get the details of the dense high poly mesh in a much more optimized form that can be used in real time in the game.
  • The info of the high poly mesh is baked into 2D texture maps that can be used on the low poly mesh.
  • 6.2 Channel packing by hand in Photoshop.
  • 5.3 Adding a custom shelf in Substance Painter.
  • 4.2.1 Baking an alpha map in XNormal and adding it in Painter.
  • 3 Starting a New Project on Substance Painter.
  • 2 Exporting from Modo to Substance Painter.

  • How to use material id with marmoset toolbag 3